Digital privacy is important because it helps reinforce trust of online services that people use. It is important that websites that are taking personal information from users are using that information in a confidential, and morally, and legally correct way. The consumers/audience should also take responsibility, and be aware of the sites they are using, and what type of information they are sharing. Although now it is becoming common that users aren’t even aware that their information is being shared, taking extra precautions for example; being aware of not visiting sites that don’t seem trust-worthy, or purchasing a lot of items from online stores, especially those that aren’t well-known.
Algorithms are everywhere, they are a set of instructions that are used for solving a problem, or completing a task. Recipes, math equations, computer coding, smartphone apps, etc. are all algorithms. “In fact, everything people see and do on the web is a product of algorithms” (Rainie & Anderson, 2017). For the question regarding if algorithms will overall be more positive/negative for individuals and society? I think like a lot of other things, there will be positives, along with negatives that will result from it. I think a big reason that will help differentiate that will be how much power we will allow AI and algorithms to have. If we give most of the power, and control to technology, then ultimately it will take over, and we will lose control of making our own decisions, and we will be left in a world where technology controls our every move. With any technological advancement, it is important that us, humans put a limit on how much power we give it. “Fact: We have already turned our world over to machine learning and algorithms. The question now is, how to better understand and manage what we have done?” (Rainie & Anderson, 2017).
I think that one thing that surprised me from the readings this week is how much algorithms, and artificial intelligence is becoming a well-known topic. I took a class last semester; societies of the future, and we talked a lot about how the future is to be seen in the next few years, and how technology, and AI will “take over”. So it was crazy to read how much people are starting to pay attention to this.
Case Study: Targeted Message From Holosonics’ Audio Spotlight Speaker Reinforces Brand Identity In New Zealand Supermarket
Stores are using the audio spotlight speaker to install within their businesses in order to advertise to consumers to buy their products when standing by them. It is a speaker that you can only hear when standing under it, and is targeted at you individually.