Technology evolving generations

Alejandra A
2 min readSep 28, 2020


“The net-generation”, the “millennium generation”, and “digital natives” are terms that have been used to describe the younger generation who has grown up during the internet expansion, have had their childhood immersed in a media-rich environment, in where they play online games, are constantly in communication with friends through electronic devices. “These youth create and use digital spaces for social interaction, identity expression, and media production and consumption” (Cite). A part of The Internet and Youth Culture that stood out to me was the whole concept of how we slowly start incorporating technology more, and more into our lives. How it starts having a t.v, computer in the living room, and then slowly they start appearing in our bedroom. The whole concept of “bedroom culture”, and how it is transforming the generation with new skills that previous generations didn’t have.

Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement, had an interesting concept of the idea of visitors, and residents regarding technology. Residents being the ones who grew up in a digital environment, and are completely at ease with it. Visitors being those who had to adapt to this new lifestyle surrounding technology, but will never be fully comfortable with it. I definitely agree with these terms, and it applies perfectly with the older, and younger generation. I have even personally heard the older generation speak on their thoughts on social media, electronic devices, etc. and how they have adapted to it because they didn’t have any other choice. I think that is especially true right now during the pandemic, with having to do school online through zooms, and working from home.

The video of visitors and residents did a good job summarizing the concept of both. I thought how he used the example of comparing learning how to use technology with learning a new language, and how it will never be the same with trying to learn later on in life versus growing up with it, fit perfectly to help me understand the difference between the two terms. The idea of ones will be natives, versus immigrants.


Photo by NASA on Unsplash



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